Friday 15 June 2012



在这里分享一下上个周末在PAVILLION的CREATIVE STREET MARKET的照片 .这里人潮很多,生意很好,新产品的反应很不错,又再次提高我的志气,呵呵.


在来临的下个周末,将会去Subang Parade摆档,希望人潮汹涌~大咪和小咪请多多保佑.(注:大咪和小咪是我领养的两只招财猫,呵呵)

Toast Bag

What is Toast Bag ?
We heard tote bag in normally.Toast bag is a modify word based on White Toast.It is also a new products from White Toast. First of all. i have to say this is not an recycle bag, the material is made by polyester oxford fabric 300D.Compare to the recycle bag in market. The recycle material is easy to worn away if contact to strong sunlight or water in just few weeks.The oxford fabric is more thick and durable and also water proof.

What is polyester oxford fabric 300D ?
Polyester oxford fabric 300D is an fabric that widely used in water resistant products such as luggage bag and tent.It is water proof ,durable and glossy surface.

You may wear this toast bag as shopping bag, with the unique illustration,it give a fresh look to you.There has 3 designs,The Owl,Deer in Flower and Love of Deer.Check out the products details at our Facebook page White Toast.Feel free to LIKE the page if you like my products,thanks =)

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Secret Garden

Secret Garden is a concept for my graduation portfolio. Below are some illustrations to share with you. Besides that, I have made a website for the exhibition.It included a Showreel, and my graphic & multimedia design artworks. The artworks will be show in my next post. 


Sunday 15 April 2012

A better idea for better products

I am developing White Toast new products secretly, will be introduce Eco tote bag, t shirt and soft toys on June. I'm searching for suitable material and manufacturer recently. Some of the material is hard to find at Malaysia, less selective and high price.I planning to buy from abroad, but it take risk by online shopping and cost more on transportation fees.A bit worry about this...headache...=)

I did some research, sharing some stylish & creative tote bag here...

最近正秘密研发新产品中,已经清楚地确定新产品的种类,会推出环保Tote Bag,T Shirt和布娃娃哦!目前在寻找着合适的材料和供应商,这一点让我有些头痛,因为本地的材料选择少价钱有些昂贵,所以我试着从国外进口,但还是隐藏着风险,担心质地问题,毕竟网上购物看到的只是图片,有些担心.

我做了些research,在此与大家分享一些既美观又时尚的Tote Bag...

It Bag

Products of Top Shop

Products of Forever 21


Serif Tote Bag

Louis Vuitton just doesn't look good on me

 这么漂亮的Tote Bag带去逛街很合适,不但增添衣着品味,买东西时也可避免用塑料袋,可说是一举两得.这就是White Toast新产品要迈进的目标.实用性与视觉性的结合.

Monday 9 April 2012

Art Market 艺术市集

Kaka Art Market

I have joined Kaka art market on February, March and April.Here is some pictures to show the situation there.It is fun and a good place to get more friends.I love here, will be join the market on June again.Having one month preparation at home to create new products.Some of the products are currently sold out,thanks to everyone who like my design.Hope to see you soon again.



Thursday 22 March 2012

White Toast

White Toast Logo

                                     Cover design of White Toast Facebook Page

What is White Toast
White Toast is my creation of a brand new product. Include T shirt/ notebook and postcard, there are more new products will be released in future.Will you attracted by a small dot on paper? Or you actually do not realize there are something on the paper? At the moment that all the small & tiny dots connect together,magic happens!(hoho~I hope to be a magician but not witch...) As you can see,dots & lines are mainly used in my illustration.There were 7 designs in this series of illustration.Each characters was inspired by Fairy Tale.But they have their own story behind...what is the story? Let's imagine by yourself, anything could be happen in fairy Tale.

什么是White Toast?
White Toast是我创作的品牌,目前产品包括T桖,笔记本和明信片.还有很多新产品在积极创作中,希望在不久的将来与大家面见.点子很重要!所以我的插图主要靠"点"!别小看小小的点,只要加点魔法(其实就是耐心和时间啦,呵呵)把它们连接起来,它们就有生命了.创作灵感主要来自童话故事,因为童话世界比现实世界里有更多无数的可能...

Why Fairy Tale?
Everyone know a Fairy Tale,when we was a child. we used to read them , watch the cartoon movie, listen them as bedtime story.We believe what we imagine, what we hear and see.Time passed by....we grow up gradually,but we lost our imagination. We are the one to tell our childhood, "Fairy Tale" is only happen in book, just a story."

The little mermaid" is my favorite, one of my neighbor, uncle Tok told me this news when i was a child, he said there is a mermaid in this world, someone caught it! The people caught the mermaid and put her in an aquarium.Unfortunately,the mermaid cried everyday and dead after few days.I believe this until now. I never see a mermaid,but i know she just hiding at some place under the sea.Believe to your heart, you will find out what is hiding inside long long ago. 



White Toast's story?
Long long ago.........there is a girl with a fair & round face.Definitely,she love bread. One day, when she is sitting in the classroom and having her favorite bread.....a voice from behind....." Hey, Roti,you look so alike to bread lah, haha" one of my dear friend said. After that, " Roti(means bread) " become my secret nickname (opps...hehe).To revenge, I called her " Roti bakar" because of her tan skin,haha. This is how White Toast born!

White Toast的由来
很久很久以前.....有个脸圆圆又白白的女生,她,很喜欢吃面包!一天,她坐在课室里吃着面包....."哇,roti,你长得很像面包勒,白白圆圆"一位好朋友说到.然后我说:"谢谢勒,我是面包你就是Roti Bakar(烤焦的面包),你皮肤那么黑." 就这样White Toast诞生了!

For more information of products, you are welcome to check out and like White Toast Facebook page.想看看更多的商品,请浏览White Toast Facebook page.

Postcard Series 明信片

Wednesday 21 March 2012

New Journey 转捩点

After resign, a new journey start in my life.I'm now a design freelancer. Fantasia studio is a new working space for me, why i called it as" space", because it exist everywhere when i holding a pen.I'm appreciated to my colleagues and the jobs i done. it help me to find out what i really want, my desire of future, and what i believe to this world. Life is short so make it precious,but why we spent our precious life in doing something we not really want to do. Everyone know the answer: "we work for money". Money means happiness, isn't it? I love money but i love my life more. A better life is deserve for everyone, you are not a tree, change the ground you stepping now if you don't like the place you stand. A close mind is the most dangerous obstacle in your life. Dear all, a beautiful life is waiting for us!

辞职之后,我开始了新的人生方向,我现在是个自由工作者,"自由"这两字真美好啊! Fantasia Studio是我新的工作空间. 离开了办公室生活,我大大松了口气,不过还是很庆辛之前累积的工作经验,它让我听到自己心里的声音,(大大声的喊:"选择你要的生活吧!") 人生是如此宝贵,应该选择自己要的. 踏入社会后,很难不被金钱化,但是金钱买到的快乐很短暂(因为钱很快用完,哈) 先前在朱德庸先生的漫画中看到这句话: "现代人所谓的幸福,大部分都是从商场买来的.",对于这句话我有很深的感触.人活在现代,却困于封闭的思想,这还是挺矛盾的.选择自己心里要的,这比什么都要来得真实可靠.亲爱的每位,让我们为自己活得更美好吧!